Tuesday, February 7, 2012


There are about 1.5 million Jews that are Reform Jews and 42% of the Jew population are Reform Jews. People part of the Reform movement of Judaism tend to be living in North America, the UK, or Israel.

Developed from where?

The Reform movement originated from Germany in the early 10th century. The goal was to adapt the Jewish religious practice and theology to contemporary western European culture by eliminating almost all the ritualistic and nationalist elements of the classical Judaism. 

Differences from other sects

Compared to the other sects of Judaism (Orthodox and Conservative), Reform is the most liberal branch of modern Judaism. Many of the traditional Jewish religious observances have been changed or abandoned. Also, the Reform movement challenged the belief that the laws and rituals taken from the Bible require strict observance in the modern world.

Difference from other monotheistic religons

Although they all only believe in one God there are still many differences between the three monotheistic religions. For example, the original languages of them are Arabic (Islam), Hebrew (Judaism), and Aramaic, Greek (Christianity). They all have different holy buildings in which they worship in (Judaism-synagogue, Islam-mosque, Christianity-church or chapel). And they celebrate different holidays (Christmas, Hanukkah, Ramadan).

Traditions and Rituals

Reform Judaism were initially dispensed with almost all traditional Jewish rituals. Today, however, many ahve reclaimed that they have not been established as mandatory and binding on all Reform Jews. It is a tradition to inherent the goodness of the world and its inhabitants as creations of God and not to require a savior to save them from original sin.

Holy Book and Holy Days

People of Reform use the holy book called the TeNaKh, which is written in Hebrew (the sacred language of Judaism). Holy days include: Hanukkah  Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur. Hanukkah, known as the festival of lights, is an Jewish holiday of eight days (starts on the 25th day of the Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar). Each night of the holiday, one light of the Menorah is lit (from left to right). And it is forbidden to light the other lights without the one in the middle (Shamash). Yom Kippur is the day of atonement. It is a time where Jews set aside for being sorry for bad acts and requires praying and fasting.

Place of Worship

People who believe in Reform (a branch of Judaism), worship and pray in synagogues (temples). Synagogues have a main sanctuary (large hall for praying) and can also have smaller rooms for study. Some have a social hall, offices, and a separate room for Torah study. All synagogues contain a table in which the Torah is read. The ark (ark of Covenant) in a synagogue is positioned so that those who face it, also face toward Jerusalem. The sanctuary seating plans in the Western world and generally faces the east. Synagogues are usually decorated with artwork and used to have a lit lamp of lantern (now electric).